International Business Desk
When you’re operating or expanding in key geographies outside your home country, the Abacus Networks is committed to providing you with the exceptional client service you need to succeed. You will experience a seamless connection between the teams in your home country and locations abroad. Many of the people on these experienced, multilingual teams are seconded to a specific country from the specific Abacus firm that serves you at your corporate headquarters. They use their deep knowledge of the differing cultural and business perspectives involved to help you exactly when and where you need it.
India Entry Strategy Consulting
Market Research Analysis
International Tax Structuring
Repatriation Strategy
Transfer Pricing Advisory
Listing on Stock Exchanges
Litigation Services

International Tax Consulting
Taxation can differ from country to country, as with the legal regulations relating to managing income. We offer the best international tax consulting services to make your life easier and legitimate. There are numerous of taxation consulting companies exist to choose from, but it is crucial to you to find a specialist taxation consulting company which can offer the best international consulting services as the latest regulations and emerging trends. We are a team of experts international tax consultant the make is the best International Tax Consultant.
Our Specialized International Tax Consulting Services are as follows:
Entry Strategy in India
Merger & Acquisition
Client Entrance Strategy
Branch / Company Setup in India
Compliance with FEMA Regulations
Tax Restructuring and Business Modelling
Valuation Services
Indirect Tax Compliances
Compliance with Employee and allied Laws
Customer and Supplier Market Research
Supply Chain Management
With our global structure we are connected, responsive and insightful — our advice is:
Our Global Business Networks professionals fully understand the myriad challenges you face when executing an international growth strategy.
As the world’s most globally integrated professional services organization, we are determined to act as your trusted business advisor.
Our country-focused, globally integrated approach empowers you to build a global business regardless of the legal problems of every country in which you do business.